Former Hermès employees steal craftsmanship and sell counterfeit hermes Birkin Bags!
If you want to vote for the most dreamy and difficult style for girls, perhaps the Hermès Birkin Bag is the champion, known as the highest symbol of luxury. cheap hermes bags , so that high-end handbags are rushing, plus the rarity that cannot be bought with money, you can only add to the wish list and wait for the opportunity to start. 1:1 Replica hermes Taste?
The most value-preserving handbag style, there is absolutely no style that dares to challenge fake Hermès Birkin. Hermès Birkin This classic handbag, which costs tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars, is the lifelong dream of countless girls. Hermes It is extremely rare in production and top-notch craftsmanship. There is always a bottomless waiting list. , Recently, the second-hand market also announced that this handbag has increased by 42%. In addition to satisfying selfish desires, it has an investment value that surpasses gold. It is no wonder that there are still no brands that can beat its status over the years. Great influence on the brand.
According to foreign media reports, the former Hermès employees had secrets about the production of the Birken Bag within the group, so after leaving the company, they formed a group of 10 people, 7 of whom were employees who previously worked at Hermès, including when they left. The leather artisan who stole the Birkin handbag design, used materials such as zippers that the brand discarded when producing the handbag to make counterfeit Hermès handbags, including the Birkin Bag, which made a total profit of more than 2 million euros between 2013 and 2014 , a considerable number, these 10 people have been indicted and sentenced and suspended, but the impact may also cause harm to Hermès.